Saturday, February 7, 2009

Its important to keep it all in perspective. Like when you're feeling really really depressed about something, people tell you to think of something much, much worse that *could* happen, and then you will reclaim your lost zest for life, and your eyes are meant to light up and you smile and say "gosh, you are so right, I am a horrible, person for being so ungrateful and useless" and then if you were in a movie,or tv show there would definitely be some 'fray' or 'ben lee' song that plays, while you sip a starbucks beverage in your hospital scrubs, and you walk in the sunshine and smile serenely at the fact that you still have your health, and people that love you.

ahh, being 20-something and way too emotionally fragile can be a struggle at the best of times.

But thinking relatively is never a bad thing to do I guess. Also not being too caught up in yourself. Both things that are monumentally hard to do once you've started to enjoy a good sulk. Reading pained artists biographies are really really soothing as well. Its the ultimate best to read about other emotionally fragile people (who are cooler cos they are celebrities) and how they have overcome the odds, like Maureen Mcarthy and Russell Brand; or not like Pete Doherty and Kurt Cobain (tear)

And lets not forget, in the words of dreamy Ethan Hawke in response to Lelaina's whinge; "things just can’t go back to normal at the end of the half hour like on the Brady Bunch ‘cause Mr. Brady died of AIDS. Things don’t turn out like that"

*sigh* so true. and Winona Ryder steals things...
Friday, November 28, 2008
sometimes, cos you're feeling like no one really cares, and you're just not sure what to do with yourself, there's only one thing left to do...

ha-ha-ha. I'm as funny as ever. right.
Monday, September 29, 2008
my new crush
I know; me and about a billion others!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Here and back again with one of these.
lo-oong overdue. How narcissistic are these?


- Liz Phair-She is so cool and badass and mid-90's and some of her songs are so X-rated!eep!
- Saturday nights watching movies from the library
Demi Moore's breakdown in St Elmo's Fire
- Jarah chocolatte
- Judd apatow movies
- Missbehave magazine website

Not Like:

- sabotaging dinner and feeling like a failure
- saturday night pressure to conform
- sudden sore throat
- Getting facebook burned
- quarter-life crises
- 'assertive'/quite insecure personality types who impose their craziness on unsuspecting types
- depressed individuals who won't seek help
- hmmm there is more, i feel it in my bones, till next time I guess.
Friday, July 25, 2008
try. a. lil. tenderness.
why andy doesnt choose duckie, we'll never know
he sure can dance though

Saturday, July 5, 2008

I love john safran. you wanna know why?
not just cos he started off life in a yeshiva college, ahem, not just cos he has an fascinating obsession with the 'Gollum'and cannabilism and Kabbalah, not just cos i spotted him more then once milling around Borders, looking focused yet slighly a little awkward, not just cos you know he prefers reading books about subversive Governments to being trendy... its cos he is so HONEST. no beating around the bush, no filtering out the un-p.c things, no wearing pretentious looking headwear, no side fringe or annoying laugh. he is hilarious and you just know he isnt trying to be.
this is the turning point in which i turned from admiring john, to really, really liking him. on 25th of June he mentions casually that he "I cant socialize with people unless its about work. You know when you meet someone at a Cafe? I prefer the time, when the've come a bit late, and I'm just reading a book by myself...I prefer that time to when they turn up...and that's when I actually like them. !

Honestly is he not the most hilarious personality?
okay maybe an extreme example. But I wish there was more of this kind of honesty around. like instead of people always talking up how awesome every social encounter they ever have is, or how they have like 3 parties to go to this w.e, or how hectic their work to social life ratio is, they can just bring themselves to size occasionally. Its so much more appreciated sometimes, isn't it?
everyone feels awkward right? It can be a perfectly comfortable context with a close pal, and suddenly you are seized up by awkwardness, or you have a weird physical exchange with a stranger (like say, you walk left, and they walk left, so you switch to right and so on...) or when you spit on someone by accident, or vice versa. ah well everyone must feel awkward at some point? Why else would people wanna get drunk so bad...its too kill inhibitions and thus alleviate sensations of awkwardness
no? I dunno? Just a thought. Take it or leave it.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
After a bit of contemplation, i'm deciding that I like Leslie Arfin. She's cute, writes well, has good taste in music and can be pretty funny.
check her out!here

ps she's a jew too, with tattoos!